Able to a recent study conducted by the company, "McAfee" American anti-virus, to
determine the "search" the most dangerous on the Internet, which was looking to the t
hreat of the spread of viruses or malware in the machine.
The study included 2600 "Keyword" is common in the five search engines on the Internet is the "Google" and "Yahoo" and "Life" and "er or" and "Lask," and proceeded to analyze the 413-page Internet.
In this regard, the company's chief executive said, "McAfee said," David De Walt, told CNN Arabic that: "During the past year alone, we have witnessed an extraordinary shift in the malware, it started from the basement of one of Almtlschin turned into a space of transnational organized crime mail and then turned to the recent form of terrorism and other geopolitical organization of the attacks. "
Probably the most famous groups of which are harmful to the software as it is "screensavers" or "portfolios screens," known as the Screensavers, and Games and free work from home and the Olympic Games and video clips, music and celebrity news